Handlekompetence eller Action Competence in AI

Handlekompetence – på engelsk Action Competence – er et begreb, som meget arbejde i vores Forskningscenter for Miljø- og Sundhedsundervisning på DLH / DPU / Aarhus Universitet har drejet sig om. Det er både teoretisk og i den praktiske pædagogiske udvikling. Men det er også et udtryk, som let bliver misforstået i en meget forsimplet … Læs mere

Mental Ownership and Participation for Innovation in Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development

Mental ownership is a useful concept and mechanism to understand why some kinds of participation are more influential than others in educatition, Whatever Environmental Education or Education for Sustainable Development. And the main point is essential to understanding succesful democratisation of teaching and learning. Clearly, ‘feeling mental ownership for something’ is closely related to other … Læs mere

Action competence, Conflicting interests and Environmental education: The MUVIN Programme

The present English edition is a full translation of the publication ‘Handlekompetence, interessekonflikter og miljøundervisning – MUVIN-projektet’ published in 1999 by Odense Universitetsforlag.  Download Action competence, Conflicting interests and Environmental education: The MUVIN Programme The pedagogical research has its focus on the development of students’ action competence which makes this report a distinctive publication. But … Læs mere

Et paradigmeskift for miljøundervisning På vej mod Uddannelse for Bæredygtig Udvikling

Kapitlet beskriver den grundlæggende ændring i opfattelsen af, hvad der er god miljøundervisning i Danmark og i andre lande i folkeskolen og i ungdomsuddanelserne med et alment sigte. Dette skift i paradigme omtales som ‘Den nye generation af miljøundervisning‘ og målet er at udvikle elevernes handlekompetence over for fremtidens miljøproblemer og ikke blot forsøge at … Læs mere

Uddannelse for bæredygtig udvikling – eksempler til inspiration

Målet er at hjælpe alle til at være godt klædt på til at deltage i beslutninger og praktiske tiltag, der vil gøre fremtiden så god for alle som muligt. Eller med andre ord: UBU er undervisning og andre former for organiseret læring, der har som mål at give deltagerne handlekompetence, viden og engagement, der gør … Læs mere

Make a Lasting Impact with Your Nature Interpretation – Enhance the Feeling of Ownership

As a Nature Interpreter You Have Full Ownership– But What About Your Guests? We share a lot of information when we have visitors to our place or on a tour. But how much is retained for them when they leave us? And how committed will visitors remain in relation to the questions we tried topromote? … Læs mere

Issues for environmental education and ESD research development: looking ahead from WEEC 2007 in Durban

Can we avoid inheriting serious issues from research related to environmental education when the researcher community is addressing education for sustainable development? This paper identifies and discusses three main issues: if an explicit and coherent concept of environmental education or education for sustainable development is missing; if the field is dominated by researchers with an … Læs mere

Balancing the tensions and meeting the conceptual challenges of education for sustainable development and climate change

The key challenges for work on education related to environmental concerns, and especially the pressing issue of climate change: the overall conceptualisation of central ideas such as Environmental Education (EE), Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Climate Change Education (CCE). Hent publikationen her om climate change education The need to effectively address climate change – … Læs mere

Climate Change and Sustainable Development: The Response from Education. CROSS-NATIONAL REPORT

Hvilen rolle bør uddannelse og undervisning have i forhold til de stigende problemer med klimaforandringer og ønsket om en meget mere bæredygtig udvikling. Læs her om resultatet af et internationalt samarbejde: Hent publikation om Education related to Climate Change and Sustainable Development The results of a crossnational analysis providing a broad international overview of the … Læs mere

Sustainable Development, Environmental Education and Action Competence

The concept of action competence is discussed in relation to the requirement ofparticipation for sustainable development, and through this some similaritiesbetween environmental education and education for sustainable development arehighlighted towards a more coherent idea of Environmental Education. I.e. cencept and reality with practise should be reflected. Hent Sustainable Development, Environmental Education and Action Competence fra … Læs mere