Dilemmas related to Teacher Training for Science Education and Pupils’ Action Competence (The MUVIN project)

In the MUVIN Project the aim has been to have classes to work with environmental issues with a focus on conflicting interests in the use of natural resources. At the same time the Project has aimed at developing the democracy in the class, implicating a shift in the role of the teacher and of the … Læs mere

Uddannelse for bæredygtig udvikling – eksempler til inspiration

Målet er at hjælpe alle til at være godt klædt på til at deltage i beslutninger og praktiske tiltag, der vil gøre fremtiden så god for alle som muligt. Eller med andre ord: UBU er undervisning og andre former for organiseret læring, der har som mål at give deltagerne handlekompetence, viden og engagement, der gør … Læs mere

Issues for environmental education and ESD research development: looking ahead from WEEC 2007 in Durban

Can we avoid inheriting serious issues from research related to environmental education when the researcher community is addressing education for sustainable development? This paper identifies and discusses three main issues: if an explicit and coherent concept of environmental education or education for sustainable development is missing; if the field is dominated by researchers with an … Læs mere

ECO-schools – trends and divergences A Comparative Study on ECO-school development processes in 13 countries

Et unikt studie af forskellige landes arbejde med udvikling af miljøundervisning og begyndende uddannelse for bæredygtig udvikling (UBU) og de tanker i hvert land, som man gør sig både med de praktiske muligheder, forståelsen af, hvad det handler om, og de reelle vilkår for at gennemføre intentionerne. Danmark er et af de lande, der belyses … Læs mere

Sustainable Development, Environmental Education and Action Competence

The concept of action competence is discussed in relation to the requirement ofparticipation for sustainable development, and through this some similaritiesbetween environmental education and education for sustainable development arehighlighted towards a more coherent idea of Environmental Education. I.e. cencept and reality with practise should be reflected. Hent Sustainable Development, Environmental Education and Action Competence fra … Læs mere

The progressive development of environmental education in Sweden and Denmark

Traditionally, Sweden has a more centralised approach to change compared to a more decentralised approach in Denmark. Accordingly, the interplay between the State, the individual and private initiatives has differed over the past half‐century, and this has given rise to interesting effects on the development of environmental education as well as ESD. The discussion of … Læs mere