Handlekompetence eller Action Competence in AI

Handlekompetence – på engelsk Action Competence – er et begreb, som meget arbejde i vores Forskningscenter for Miljø- og Sundhedsundervisning på DLH / DPU / Aarhus Universitet har drejet sig om. Det er både teoretisk og i den praktiske pædagogiske udvikling.

Men det er også et udtryk, som let bliver misforstået i en meget forsimplet retning.

Derfor er det interessant at undersøge, hvad nye redskaber til vidensdeling viderebringer. Det gælder især kunstig intelligens (AI). Har for eksempel ChatGPT fat i essensen af Action Competence, eller bidrager redskabet til forvirringen?

Kunstig intelligens (Artificial Intelligence – AI) her leveret af chatbotten ChatGPT fra OpenAI, som brugeren møder den kunstige intelligens på sin computerskærm, eller på mobilen. Adgang til at bruge den kunstige intelligens forventes at ville revolutionere vidensproduktion, udvikling af ny teknologi, sundhedsystemer, industriproduktion og service, offentlig virksomhed, uddannelser og samfundsudviklingen generelt. Som al ny teknologi har kunstig intelligens både fordele og skræmmende ulemper. Disse er mere presserende end så mange andre nyskabelser, fordi udviklingen af kunstig intelligens er selvforstærkende og selv-accellererende.

Her demonstreres et eksempel med et genereret svar på engelsk på “Please explain the concept of action competence” den 27.06.2023.

Svaret kan man sammenligne med de publikationer, som omtales p.t. på Publikationer.dk ved søgninger på handlekompetence eller på Action Competence.

Her kommer svaret fra ChatGPT:

Action competence is a concept that originated in the field of environmental education but has since been applied in various other contexts. It refers to an individual’s ability to take effective and meaningful action in addressing complex societal or environmental issues. Action competence goes beyond acquiring knowledge and understanding; it emphasizes the capacity to apply that knowledge in practical ways to bring about positive change.

The concept of action competence recognizes that simply having knowledge or awareness of a problem is not enough to solve it. It highlights the importance of empowering individuals to engage in purposeful actions and participate actively in decision-making processes. It emphasizes the need for a combination of cognitive, social, and practical skills, as well as a sense of responsibility and ethical considerations.

Action competence involves several key components:

  1. Critical thinking and problem-solving: Individuals with action competence are able to analyze complex issues, identify underlying causes, and evaluate potential solutions. They can think critically and consider multiple perspectives before taking action.
  2. Collaboration and communication: Addressing complex problems often requires cooperation and collaboration with others. Action-competent individuals possess effective communication skills and are capable of working collaboratively in diverse groups to achieve common goals.
  3. Reflective practice: Action competence involves a continuous process of reflection and learning. Individuals reflect on their experiences, assess the effectiveness of their actions, and adapt their approaches accordingly. This ongoing learning process helps individuals refine their strategies and deepen their understanding.
  4. Empowerment and agency: Action-competent individuals have a sense of empowerment and agency. They believe in their ability to make a difference and take action. They are motivated, resilient, and willing to take risks to address societal and environmental challenges.
  5. Ethical considerations: Action competence emphasizes the importance of ethical decision-making and responsible actions. Individuals consider the potential impacts of their actions on different stakeholders and strive to act in ways that are just, equitable, and sustainable.

Overall, action competence recognizes that addressing complex issues requires more than just knowledge and awareness. It emphasizes the development of practical skills, critical thinking, collaboration, and a sense of agency to enable individuals to take effective action and contribute to positive change in their communities and the world.

Dette svar fra ChatGPT har fat i noget af det rigtige, som man som sagt kan se ved at kikke nærmere på de øvrige publikationer på Publikationer.dk ved søgninger på handlekompetence eller på Action Competence.

Men helt dækkende er ChatGPT naturligvis ikke på nuværende tidspunkt.

Søren Breiting

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