In the MUVIN Project the aim has been to have classes to work with environmental issues with a focus on conflicting interests in the use of natural resources. At the same time the Project has aimed at developing the democracy in the class, implicating a shift in the role of the teacher and of the pupils — all as steps towards developing the “action competence” of the pupils. These experiences have highlighted some dilemmas of relevance for both pre- and inservice teacher training related to the innovation of science education.
Af Soren Breiting.
I Research in Science Education in Europe pp 263-271
Breiting S. (1999) Dilemmas related to Teacher Training for Science Education and Pupils’ Action Competence (The MUVIN project). In: Bandiera M., Caravita S., Torracca E., Vicentini M. (eds) Research in Science Education in Europe. Springer, Dordrecht. ISBN 978-90-481-5218-6.