Klima: Ambitiøse mål eller nødvendig handling

Politikerne taler om ambitiøse mål for reduktionen af CO2 i Danmark. Men debatten mangler klarhed om de helt afgørende pointer: At manglende indsats for at forebygge miljøproblemer får langtrækkende økonomiske konsekvenser for vore børnebørn, og at vi må blive bedre til at oplyse om de interessemodsætninger, som er involveret. Hver dag hører vi om ’ambitiøse … Læs mere

Handlekompetence eller Action Competence in AI

Handlekompetence – på engelsk Action Competence – er et begreb, som meget arbejde i vores Forskningscenter for Miljø- og Sundhedsundervisning på DLH / DPU / Aarhus Universitet har drejet sig om. Det er både teoretisk og i den praktiske pædagogiske udvikling. Men det er også et udtryk, som let bliver misforstået i en meget forsimplet … Læs mere

Tips til kvalitetstid i naturfag med Praktiske aktiviteter

Sørg for større udbytte af praktiske aktiviteter i de forskellige naturfag ved at følge disse tips, som øger elevernes teoretiske forståelse og begrebsudvikling. Artiklen har været bragt i Biologforbundets blad Kaskelot nr. 241 (2022), S. 40-43. Artiklen henvender sig til lærere i folkeskolen og til lærerstuderende. Her kan du se, hvordan fagligheden i naturfagsundervisningen kan … Læs mere

Biodiversity and Education

Soren Breiting, Eva Csobod, Petra Lindemann-Matthies & Jurgen Mayer Consequences of the new strategy of IUCN for environmental (biodiversity) education In: Elcome, D. (ed.): Education and communication for biodiversity. Key concepts, strategies and case studies in Europe. IUCN,Gland: 36-39..Project: Education for sustainable development. Get the chapter here about Environmental Education and Biodiversity Education (opens in … Læs mere

GreenComp – The European sustainability competence framework

The development of a European sustainability competence framework is one of the policy actions set out in the European Green Deal as a catalyst to promote learning on environmental sustainability in the European Union. GreenComp identifies a set of sustainability competences to feed into education programmes to help learners develop knowledge, skills and attitudes that … Læs mere

Danmarks Lærerhøjskole (DLH) og folkeskolen – et partnerskab

Den danske folkeskole var i mange år støttet i sin udvikling af Danmarks Lærerhøjskole, i daglig tale omtalt som Lærerhøjskolen eller DLH. Lærerhøjskolen bidrog med massiv efteruddannelse af folkeskolens lærere. Ca. 20% af alle lærere var hvert år på substantiel efteruddannelse gennem et helt eller halvt år. Flertallet af lærere blev kompenseret for deres tid … Læs mere

Action competence and key competencies in Environmental Education and Sustainability Education – ESE

11th World Environmental Education Congress BUILDING BRIDGES – 11th WEEC 2022 “Chairs: Daniel Olsson (Karlstad university) & Per Sund (Stockholm University) This sub-theme provides a forum to highlight initiatives for action competence and key competencies in Environmental and Sustainability Education (ESE), with a view to enhancing a more contemporary and comprehensive quality education through further theorization, conceptualization … Læs mere

Dilemmas related to Teacher Training for Science Education and Pupils’ Action Competence (The MUVIN project)

In the MUVIN Project the aim has been to have classes to work with environmental issues with a focus on conflicting interests in the use of natural resources. At the same time the Project has aimed at developing the democracy in the class, implicating a shift in the role of the teacher and of the … Læs mere

Effect of organic school meals to promote healthy diet in 11–13 year old children. A mixed methods study in four Danish public schools

Research report: Study about whether organic school meals can be an effective strategy to provide healthy food to children and promote their healthy eating habits.More positive school lunch habits were observed in pupils in the organic schools than in the non-organic schools. Generally all the pupils had positive attitudes towards organic food and health and … Læs mere

Mental Ownership and Participation for Innovation in Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development

Mental ownership is a useful concept and mechanism to understand why some kinds of participation are more influential than others in educatition, Whatever Environmental Education or Education for Sustainable Development. And the main point is essential to understanding succesful democratisation of teaching and learning. Clearly, ‘feeling mental ownership for something’ is closely related to other … Læs mere